A Smooth Transition to Your New Home

Here are some things to consider as you make the move to your new home. We can suggest professionals who are local to the Smith Mountain Lake area for many of these services.
4 weeks before your move
__ Contact and contract with a reputable moving company.
__ Transfer school records.
__ Arrange to transfer (or take with you) medical, dental and other important records.
__ Notify your homeowner’s and auto insurance companies of your new location.
__ Hold a garage sale to get rid of unneeded items; arrange to place excess items in storage.
__ Keep track of moving-related expenses. (Check with your accountant to find out what expenses will be deductible).
3 weeks before your move
__ Obtain and mail change-of-address cards to the post office, subscriptions, credit card companies and important contacts.
2 weeks before your move
__ Arrange for final utility reading at your former residence the day after your move and have utilities and phone turned on at your new home the day before you move in.
__ Close or transfer bank accounts.
__ Terminate newspaper delivery service.
__ Arrange for transfer of vehicle licenses and driver’s licenses.
__ Have an extra supply of prescription medications for the next four weeks.
__ We will schedule a final walk-through of the property to make sure everything is in order.
Moving Week
__ Check in with your sales executive, mortgage company and title company for any last minute items that need your attention.
__ Keep valuable financial records and personal papers with you; do not pack them with the rest of your household goods.
__ On closing day, sign the home purchase documents and the home is yours.
__ Move in!
Settling In
__ Consider plans for landscaping design, installation and maintenance.
__ Review home security requirements and systems.
__ New home furnishings, appliances and interior decorating will help make the house your home.